June 14th: 80th Anniversary of the First Transport of Poles to German Nazi KL Auschwitz
“A train to hell”
On June 14th, 1940, the first transport of 728 Polish prisoners departed from Tarnów (Poland) to Konzentrazionslager (KL) Auschwitz. This date is considered the beginning of operation of KL Auschwitz. The Germans deported primarily young men there: boy scouts, pupils, students, underground freedom fighters, military men who fought defending Poland in 1939.
We must not forget!
KL Auschwitz was created for the purpose of exterminating Poles.
On the 80th Anniversary of the First Transport, let us all honor the Victims of Auschwitz.
June 14th is the National Day of Remembrance of Victims of the German Death and Concentration Camps.
On June 14th, let us fly the Polish Flag.
More details, including the full list of names of those Poles who were in this First Transport to KL Auschwitz
The “June 14th Project” (Projekt 14 Czerwca)
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