Call your Representative: 202-225-…… . When connected:
- Tell the staff your full name and that you are his (her) constituent, and a member of a Polish American organization (if you are; Polish American Congress usually works best), and that you regularly vote in all general elections;
- Ask the staffer to switch you over to the Legislative Team, if they are not available, ask that your message is passed over to them;
- State that you are asking your Representative to support and become a cosponsor of H.Res.664;
- You may add that this is very important to you because the proposed Resolution 664 memorializes truthfully both the origin of World War II as it concerns the secretly planned invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union, on one hand, and Poland’s strong and honorable ties to the United States as an always-dependable European ally in today’s troubled world, on the other hand;
- Add that you “will call tomorrow, to find out his (her) position on your request“.
This usually takes no more than 3 minutes.
You must call next day and ASK WHEN YOUR REPRESENTATIVE is going to cosponsor H.Res.664.
You must call every day until you get a YES or NO answer.
If Yes, thank them, if No, ask why.
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