Odszedł od nas na wieczny spoczynek profesor Andrzej Pityński
Z wielkim żalem i smutkiem przyjęliśmy wiadomość o śmierci profesora Andrzeja Pityńskiego wybitnego artysty-rzeźbiarza – twórcy wielu polskich patriotycznych pomników, takich jak: pomnik Katyński w New Jersey, pomnik czynu zbrojnego Polonii Amerykańskiej – Błękitnej Armii, pomnik zbrodni na Wołyniu i wielu, wielu innych.
Polonia i Polacy na świecie, pogrążeni w żalu żegnają swego wybitnego brata i obrońcę prawdy historycznej Polaków i Polski. Profesor Andrzej Pityński żyć będzie zawsze w naszej pamięci, jako wybitny twórca i bohater narodowy. Składamy głębokie kondolencje Rodzinie zmarłego.
Cześć Jego Pamięci !
W imieniu Koalicji Polonii Amerykańskiej
Walter Wiesław Gołębiewski – prezes Światowej Rady Badań nad Polonią, Wiceprezes Koalicji Polonii Amerykańskiej.
Polish Americans for Trump
The November 3rd Election Day is fast approaching. This will be an extremely important decision. Make no mistake about it: we are in the midst of a raging and rapidly intensifying culture war: traditional Western Civilization against decay, anarchy and chaos, traditional values against ideological terror, law and order against mob rule, culture against anti-culture, modern capitalism against neo-Marxism.
This election is not necessarily about for WHOM we vote, but rather for WHAT we vote. Looking at the political landscape in the USA today, we can build quite a clear picture. Voting for Democrats would mean supporting anti-values, chaos, anti-culture and Marxism. Those of us who emigrated to this country from Communist Poland still remember the realities of the Communist system. We ought to ask ourselves: did we leave Poland, only to install that inhuman system here, in America, a few decades later and by our own wish?
American politicians and observers broadly agree that based on statistics and analyses, Polish Americans have greatly helped Donald Trump win the election four years ago. To their surprise, because that reversed the earlier common misconception that there are few Polish Americans who vote, and those who do, usually vote for Democrats. Because of this new finding, they took on a new interest in our ethnic group.
Polish Americans for Trump is an organization which helps us organize, in cooperation with the President Trump’s campaign machine. The Michigan “kick-off”, a few days ago, is an example of their activity, but much more is coming. Please be invited to visit here for more information as events develop.
And, of course, those who have not yet registered for the elections, please make sure that you do. The deadline for registration varies depending on your location, so make sure to check the date and do it in time! Opting for (and demanding where necessary) in-person voting at polling stations, instead of voting by mail, will reduce chances for voting fraud.